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1919 US War Dept Investigation Substantiates
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John Foxe
The Acts and Monuments of John Foxe, Vol. II
John Foxe
The Acts and Monuments of John Foxe, Vol. III
John Foxe
The Acts and Monuments of John Foxe, Vol. IV
John Foxe
The Acts and Monuments of John Foxe, Vol. V
John Foxe
The Acts and Monuments of John Foxe, Vol. VI
John Foxe
The Acts and Monuments of John Foxe, Vol. VII
John Foxe
The Acts and Monuments of John Foxe, Vol. VIII
John Foxe
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Horace White
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Horace White
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Are You an Israelite?
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William F. Skene
Celtic Scotland: A History of Ancient Alban, Vol. II
William F. Skene
Celtic Scotland: A History of Ancient Alban, Vol. III
William F. Skene
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Rev. H.A. Lewis
Christ Was Not a Jew
Jacob Elon Conner
Chronicles of Eri, Being the History of the Gaal
Sciot Iber, or the Irish People, Vol. I
Roger O'Connor
Chronicles of Eri, Being the History of the Gaal
Sciot Iber, or the Irish People, Vol. II
Roger O'Connor
Chronology: Ancient and Scriptural
J.C. Nott
The Church
Arnold Kennedy
Cinderella: Israel in Disguise
Sheldon Emry
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T.F.G. Dexter
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Col. Jack Mohr
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Bertrand Comparet
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Edgar Allan Poe
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H.P. Lovecraft
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Flavius Josephus
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Robert E. Howard
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Jurgen Graf and Carlo Mattogno
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Jurgen Graf and Carlo Mattogno
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Rev. W.H. Seat
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Kenneth Goff
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Madison Grant
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George W. Robnett
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Governments and Religions
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The Crime of the Age
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Language, Government, Manners, & Religion
of the Ancient Caledonias
John MacPherson
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Rev. T.V. Moore
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Eustace Mullins
Dachau: Reality and Myth
John Cobden
King James VI
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J.G. Edgar
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V. Gordon Childe
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Sapiential Texts
Donald W. Perry and Emanuel Tov
The Dead Sea Scrolls Reader, Exegetical Texts
Donald W. Perry and Emanuel Tov
The Dead Sea Scrolls Reader, Texts
Concerned with Religious Law
Donald W. Perry and Emanuel Tov
The Death of James Forrestal
Cornell Simpson
Deathtrap Oklahoma City
J.D. Cash
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Paul Rassinier
Deceived, Damned & Defiant
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The Decline of the American Republic
John T. Flynn
The Decline and Fall of the American Empire
Robert Murray
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,
Vol. 1
Edward Gibbon
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,
Vol. 2
Edward Gibbon
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,
Vol. 3
Edward Gibbon
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,
Vol. 4
Edward Gibbon
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,
Vol. 5
Edward Gibbon
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,
Vol. 6
Edward Gibbon
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,
Vol. 7
Edward Gibbon
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,
Vol. 8
Edward Gibbon
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,
Vol. 9
Edward Gibbon
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,
Vol. 10
Edward Gibbon
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,
Vol. 11
Edward Gibbon
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,
Vol. 12
Edward Gibbon
Delegation of Authority Order from God to
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America
Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
Democracy or Shylocracy?
Harold Sherwood Spencer
Denmark and the Tribal Question
Palle Christopherson
Deportation and Colonization
Walter L. Fleming
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The Roadbuilder
Destroy the Accuser
Frederick Seelig
The Destruction of Convoy PQ. 17
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Development of Religion and Thought in
Ancient Egypt
James Henry Breasted
Diamond in the Dust
Did Jesus Descend from Ruth, Adam, or Noah?
Arnold Kennedy
Did the Norsemen Erect the Newport
Round Tower
Barthinius L. Wick
Did the Phoenicians Discover America
Thomas Crawford Johnston
Did Six Million Really Die?
Barbara Kulaszka
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Vic Lockman
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Eugene Alfred Conwell
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Rev. Micaiah Towgood
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Domesday Book
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Winfield H. Collins
Don't Trust a Fox on the Greensward and
Never a Jew on His Given Word
Elvira Bauer
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Anthony Browne
The Drama of the Lost Disciples
George F. Jowett
Dreaming the Iron Dream
Harold A. Covington
Dr. Grant and the Mountain Nestorians
Rev. Thomas Laurie
Driving Out the Money Changers
Rev. Charles E. Coughlin
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Sheldon Emry
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Dudley Wright
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Rev. James Rust
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Marah Ellis Ryan
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Pastor Dan Gayman
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Arnold Kennedy
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Isaac N. Vail
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James Cowles Prichard
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The Ancient British Church
Rev. John Williams
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Saemund Sigfusson and Snorre Sturleson
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E.C. Knuth
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Walter Rucker and James Nathaniel Upton
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Joseph B. Lumpkin
The Encyclopedia of Race and Racism, Vol. 1
John Moore
The Encyclopedia of Race and Racism, Vol. 2
John Moore
The Encyclopedia of Race and Racism, Vol. 3
John Moore
The End of Darwinism
Alfred P. Schultz
The Enemy of the Empire
Eric D. Butler
The Enemy of Europe
Francis Parker Yockey and Revilo P. Oliver
England the Remnant of Judah and the Israel
of Ephraim
Rev. F.R.A. Glover
England Under the Heel of the Jew
Raymond Rudman
Englishmen and Israelites, Turks and Edomites,
Politics and Prophecy
H. Herbert Pain
Engravings of Prehistoric Specimens from
Michigan, U.S.A.
Rudolph Etzenhouser
The Epic of Gilgamesh
Essays in Eugenics
Francis Galton
Essays of a Klansman
Louis Beam Jr
An Essay on the Welsh Saints or the Primitive
Christians Usually Considered to Have Been
the Founders of Churches in Wales
Rev. Rice Rees
Evidence Against the Views of the Abolitionists
Richard H. Colfax
Examining the Book of Esther
Harrell Rhome
The Exclusiveness of Israel
Eliel, aka Arnold Kennedy
The Fabian Socialist Contribution to the
Communist Advance
Eric D. Butler
Facts are Facts
Benjamin H. Freedman
Facts the Government and Media Don't Want
You to Know!
The Faith of Our Fathers
William P. Gale
The Fallen Angels and the Heroes of Mythology
John Fleming
The Fall of Jerusalem and the Roman Conquest
of Judea
S. Chalker
The Fall of a Nation
Thomas Dixon
The Fall of a Nineveh
C.J. Gadd
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Adam de Witt
False Prophets
Bertrand L. Comparet
The Fame of a Dead Man's Deeds
Robert S. Griffin
Far and Wide
Douglas Reed
Father Coughlin Answers His Critics
E. Perrin Schwartz
Father of Lies
Warren Weston
FBI Report on the Christian Identity Movement
The Federal Reserve Conspiracy
Antony C. Sutton
A Few Minutes Before Midnight
Dr Harrell Rhome
Fight or Flight?
Fredrick Toben
Final Judgment
Michael Collins Piper
The First Church in Plymouth 1609-1901
John Cuckson
The First Holocaust
Barnes Review
Five Men of Frankfort: The Story of the
Marcus Eli Ravage and Karl S. Woerner
Flavius Josephus and Flavian Rome
Jonathan Edmondson, Steve Mason, and
James Rives
Flying Saucers
F.W.C. Neser
The Folklore of China and Its Affinities With
That of the Aryan and Semitic Races
N.B. Dennys
For Fear of the Jews
Stan Rittenhouse
Footsteps of Israel from Eden to the City of God
Samuel Greenwood
Foreign Legions of the Third Reich, Vol. 1
David Littlejohn
Foreign Legions of the Third Reich, Vol. 2
David Littlejohn
Foreign Legions of the Third Reich, Vol. 3
David Littlejohn
Foreign Legions of the Third Reich, Vol. 4
David Littlejohn
The Forgotten Books of Eden
Rutherfood H. Platt Jr
The Forgotten Secret
W.J. Dawson
For My Legionaries
Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
Forty-Seven Identifications of the Anglo-Saxon
with the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
Edward Hine
The Founding Myths of Modern Israel
Roger Garaudy
The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century,
Vol. I
Houston Stewart Chamberlain
The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century,
Vol. II
Houston Stewart Chamberlain
Foxe's Book of Martyrs
John Foxe
The Framework of a Christian State
Rev. E. Cahill
The Franklin Cover-Up
John W. DeCamp
Freedom's Sons
H.A. Covington
Freemasonry and Judaism
Vicomte Leon De Poncins
The French Revolution in San Domingo
T. Lothrop Stoddard
French-Speaking Peoples in Prophecy
Dibar Apartian
Fresh Light from the Ancient Monuments
A.H. Sayce
From Major Jordan's Diaries
General P.N. Krassnoff
From the Temple to the Talmud
Harrell Rhome
The Gael and Cymbri
Sir William Betham
The Gas Vans
Santiago Alvarez and Pierre Marais
The Gathering of Israel
Arnold Kennedy
Genesis Disclosed
Thomas A. Davies
Genetics and the Races of Man
William C. Boyd
George Lincoln Rockwell: A National
Socialist Life
William L. Pierce
Germany and England
Nesta Webster
German Army Documentary Evidence of Katyn
The Germania
Germany and the Jewish Problem
Dr F.K. Wiebe
Germany's Hitler
Heinz A. Heinz
Germany Must Perish
Theodore N. Kaufman
The Giant Cities of Bashan& Syria's Holy Places
Rev. J.L. Porter
The Giant with Feet of Clay
Jurgen Graf
Giants in the Bible
Glastonbury or the English Jerusalem
Rev. C.L. Marson
The Glory of the Stars
E. Raymond Capt
God Makes Covenants w/ Individuals Inside of
Arnold Kennedy
God's Bible Law on Military Draft and Warfare
Sheldon Emry
God's Covenant Man
Professor E. Odlum
God's Covenant People Yesterday, Today For..
Ted R. Weiland
God's Festivals in Scripture and History, Part 1:
The Spring Festivals
Samuele Bacchiocchi
God's Kingdom Plan
Conrad Gaard
God's Sovereign Choices
Arnold Kennedy
God's Throne Upon Earth
Rev. Arthur Pritchard
The Golem
Michael Collins Piper
Gospel of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ
The Gospel of Philip
The Gospel Preached to Abraham
Arnold Kennedy
The Gospel in the Stars
Joseph A. Seiss
The Gospel of Thomas
The Gothic History of Jordanes
Charles C. Mierow
The Grave Diggers of Russia
The Great Betrayal
Eustace Mullins
The Great Holocaust Trial
Michael A. Hoffman II
The Great Jewish Masque
The Greatness and Decline of the Celts
Henri Hubert
The Great Pyramid and the Bible
Petko N. Vidusa
The Great Pyramid Decoded
E. Raymond Capt
The Great Red Dragon
L.B. Woolfolk
The Great Zionist Cover-Up
Edwin M. Wright
The Green Day Prophecies
D.A. Hanks
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The Brothers Grimm
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Jacob Grimm
Gruesome Harvest
Ralph Franklin Keeling
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R.G.D. Laffan
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Part 2, Part 3
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Gun Control in Germany 1928-1945
Dr William Pierce
The Handbook of Propaganda
Eustace Mullins
The Hand of God in History
Hollis Read
The Hapsburg Monarchy
Henry Wickham Steed
Harlot Churches
Arnold Kennedy
Harold the Klansman
George Alfred Brown
Hate Whitey: the Cinema of Defamation
Michael A. Hoffman II
To Heal the Nation
J. Franklin Snook
Hear the Cradle Song
O.T. Gunnarsson
The Hebraic Tongue Restored
Fabret d'Olivet
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Albert Tobias Clay
The Hebrew Republic
E.C. Wines
Heinrich Himmler
Peter Longerich
Heirs of the Promise
Pastor Dan Gayman
Henry Ford's Apology to the Jews
Elizabeth Dilling
Heresy in Twenty-First Century France
Georges M. Theil
Hermann Goring
Peter Kilduff
Heroes of the Reformation
Gideon and Hilda Hagstotz
The Hidden Hand
A.H. Lane
The Hidden Hand, the Protocols,& the Coming
Gerald B. Winrod
The Hidden Power Behind Freemasonry
Lt. Col. Gordon "Jack" Mohr
The Hidden Tyranny
Charles Weisman
The High Cost of Vengeance
Freda Utley
The High Priests of War
Michael Collins Piper
The Hill of the Ravens
H.A. Covington
A Hind Let Loose or An Historical Representation
of the Testimonies of the Church of Scotland
Dr Alexander Shiels
An Historical Account of the Ten Tribes
The Rev. Dr M. Edrehi
Historical Evidences of the Old Testament
American Tract Society
The Historical Evidences of the Truth of the
Scripture Records
George Rawlinson
The Historical Jesus
Gary Habermas
Historic Background and Annals of the Swiss
and German Pioneer Settlers of South-Eastern
A. Frank Eshleman
An Historic Treatise on the Travels of Noah into
Richard Lynche
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A History of the American Militia Movement
Nita M. Renfrew
The History of Ancient America
George Jones
The History of Ancient Caledonia
John Maclaren
The History of the Anglo Saxons, Vol. I
Sharon Turner
The History of the Anglo Saxons, Vol. II
Sharon Turner
The History of the Anglo Saxons, Vol. III
Sharon Turner
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Professor Max Duncker
The History of Antiquity, Vol. II
Professor Max Duncker
The History of Antiquity, Vol. III
Professor Max Duncker
The History of Antiquity, Vol. IV
Professor Max Duncker
The History of Antiquity, Vol. V
Professor Max Duncker
The History of Antiquity, Vol. VI
Professor Max Duncker
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E.B. Havell
History of Bohemia
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William Jones
The History of the Christian Church, Vol. II
William Jones
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Mrs Hamilton Gray
The History of Etruria, Part 2
Mrs Hamilton Gray
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Telemachus Thomas Timayenis
A History of Greece from the Earliest of Times
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Telemachus Thomas Timayenis
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Howard Henman
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Vol. I
Henry M. Baird
History of the Rise of the Huguenots of France,
Vol. II
Henry M. Baird
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Rev. J.A. Wylie
History of the Scottish Nation, Vol. II
Rev. J.A. Wylie
History of the Scottish Nation, Vol. III
Rev. J.A. Wylie
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Andrew MacDonald
"I Create Evil"
Arnold Kennedy
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Prescott Farnsworth Hall
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Alexis Muston
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I Was a Slave in Russia
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Itsvan Bakony
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Jews Want to Dominate the Negroes
Itsvan Bakony
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Rev. Morton W. Spencer
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Eustace Mullins
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Eustace Mullins
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Benjamin Thorpe
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Benjamin Thorpe
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Sheldon Emry
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Pastor J.S. Brooks
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Pastor J.S. Brooks
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Pastor J.S. Brooks
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Of One Blood
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Thomas William Shore
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Oswald Spengler
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Charles A.L. Totten
Our Race: Its Origin and Its Destiny, Vol. 3-4
Charles A.L. Totten
Our Race: Its Origin and Its Destiny, Vol. 5-6
Charles A.L. Totten
Our Race: Its Origin and Its Destiny, Vol. 7-8
Charles A.L. Totten
Our Race: Its Origin and Its Destiny, Vol. 9-10
Charles A.L. Totten
Our Race: Its Origin and Its Destiny, Vol. 11
Charles A.L. Totten
Our Race: Its Origin and Its Destiny, Vol. 12-13
Charles A.L. Totten
Our Race: Its Origin and Its Destiny, Vol. 14-15
Charles A.L. Totten
Our Race: Its Origin and Its Destiny, Vol. 16
Charles A.L. Totten
Our Race: Its Origin and Its Destiny, Vol. 17
Charles A.L. Totten
Our Race: Its Origin and Its Destiny, Vol. 20
Charles A.L. Totten
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Henry F. Suksdorf
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Cecile Tormay
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Itsvan Bakony
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Police State
Jules Archer
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National States of Mind
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Arnold Kennedy
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Joseph P. Widney
Race Life of the Aryan Peoples, Vol. II
Joseph P. Widney
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Andre Siegfried
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Carleton Putnam
Race and Reason
Carleton Putnam
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John Beddoe
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W.G. Finlay
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Carleton Stevens Coon
The Races of Europe
William Zebina Ripley
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A.C. Haddon
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Archibald Henry Sayce
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Racial Contrasts
Albert Gehring
Racial Decay
O.C. Beale
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John George Godard
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Elizabeth Dilling
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Zygmund Dobbs
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Elizabeth Dilling
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Lothrop Stoddard
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Lauritz Strydom
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George Lincoln Rockwell
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George Lincoln Rockwell
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Germar Rudolf
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Mrs Sydney Bristowe
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Anglo-Israel (1879)
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Anglo-Israel (1889)
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Our Race: Its Origin and Destiny (1891) 3-4
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Our Race: Its Origin and Destiny (1893) 11
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Our Race: Its Origin and Destiny (1896) 16
Our Race: Its Origin and Destiny (1896) 17
Our Race: Its Origin and Destiny (1897) 20
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