Protestant Church of AmericaTheoretical Timeline of history15 billion years ago Creation = the big bang (s) (Day/Age 1)7.75 billion years ago Firmament of heaven created= the Milky way formed (Day/Age 2)3.75 billion years ago Let the waters be gathered = Liquid water formed (Day/Age 3)1.75 billion years ago Let the light be divided into day and night = our sun began to shine (Day 4).75 billion years ago Abundantly teaming with life = Pre-Cambrian explosion (Day/Age 5) .25 billion years ago God creates the beasts of the earth = Fish, birds, animals and beasts (Day 6) 500 thousand years ago Africanus (Africans) & Peking man (Asians) created (pre-Adamites) 400 thousand years ago Lucifer & the fallen angels cast down to the planet; later become known as the gods and beasts of mythology. 390 thousand years ago Lucifer & fallen angels begin genetic manipulation and crossbreeding of the beasts and pre-Adamites to develop a suitable slave race. Some of these manipulations become known as Giants, Cyclopes, hobbits and the various types of early Africans and Asians .100 thousand years ago Neanderthals created 50 thousand years ago Cro-Magnon (Brown eyed Caucasian, Maybe some Green eyed too)13 thousand years ago Worldwide floods & calamity to push back & weaken the luciferian corruptions. Day/Age 8 (2nd Chapter of Genesis)6-10,000 years ago Garden of Eden, Adam & Eve created (1st blue & green eyed people) (Some believe this to be Day 8 & some the last part of day 6)2248 B.C. Flood of the land (earth) of Noah.2200 B.C. (Aprox) Lord God Almighty destroys the Babylonian attempt for a one world order. The tower of Babel.1875 B.C. (est.) Joseph sends Israelities & Egyptians to start new communities in North America due to the famine in Egypt. They colonized from the Grand Canyon region to possibly a cave in Southern Illinois.1373-1047 Israel under God’s rule of Judges1020-722 B.C. United Kingdom of Israel in Canaan 722 B.C. House of Israel taken into Assyrian captivity. The lost sheep begin to migrate Throughout Europe & Brittan forming a multitude of nations. (Abrahamic covenant)586 B.C. House of Judah taken into Babylonian captivity = the end of the Hebrew religion and the beginning of the Jewish corruption by the Chaldeans & Babylonians. Who are edomites / descendants of Esau (Red). Formation of the Pharisees, money changers and the synagogues of satan.500-600 B.C. Jeremiah takes princess Tea Tephia to the British Isles and fosters the start of the Israelite religion in Tara Ireland. 760-380 B.C. 25th-29th Egyptian Dynasty- “The decline and fall of Egypt.” Black people came into Egypt and slowly gained control, which led to the end of Egypt and its greatness. 3 B.C. Immaculate Conception of Messiah Jesus Christ. (Dec. 23/25th)2 B.C Birth of Messiah Jesus Christ. (Sept. 29th ish)8 A.D Jesus goes with his uncle Joseph of Arimathea on trading expeditions to Europe & Britain. 27 A.D. Jesus begins his Ministry.30 A.D Death (crucifixion) , burial and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Messiah Jesus Christ crucified by the Jewish elite, who used their great influence with Caesar to get their way & forcing the hand of Pilot.Later the Jewish elite, forces Jesus's mother Mary & uncle Joseph of arimathea and other Disciples of Christ out to sea in a boat with no sails or rudder in an attempt to kill/ get rid of them and Christianity. 36 A.D Joseph, Mary & Disciples arrive in Britain and form true Christianity. Money Changers gain great influence over the Roman Empire and continue persecutions of the Christians. 200-300 A.D King Arthur; the Great Grandson of Joseph of Arimathea reigns in the British Isles 300’s A.D. Pantheists/Catholics infiltrate the Nazarenes Church in Europe and work to exterminate the original apostolic Christianity and later the reformation movements. The Anti Christ Jewish elite hold great influence through out the Roman Empire and over the persecution of the Christians. The Pharisees & Money Changers help mix the mystery religion of Babylon (Paganism) with Christianity to form the Catholic religion (Simon magus = the St. Peter of the Catholic religion) The pantheists push out the Nazarenes. 400’s A.D. Saint Colum & Patrick’s mission work in Ireland long before the catholics arrive.500’s A.D. Saint Colum’s mission work in the Isle, later forced to mix with the catholics.500-600 A.D. King Arthur the 2nd; reigns in the Isles.600 A.D. Prince Madoc son of King Arthur II; goes to North America and takes up to 70,000 people with him after a meteor hits in Briton. They are eventually exterminated by the red indians in America.680 A.D. The White horse of revelation begins to ride. The islamic invasions and extermination of Christians through out the mid east and Europe.967 A.D. The Christian Kingdoms of Europe form the begining of Christendom or Christ’s Kingdom. It will last 1,000 years until 1967 when the U.N.’s decolonization of Christendom is finished. Only a remnant remains. 1066 A.D The saving crusades of the Christians finally begin and push back the murderous muslim horde.1100’s A.D. Prince Madoc the 2nd; son of Gwynedd goes to North America and sets up communities to avoid the civil war between his brothers in Briton. These communities in America are also exterminated by the red indians. Only remnants and mixed remnants of these migrations remained until the 1800’s. They were called the white indians and welsh indians. Red indians persecuted them as well.590 B.C.-1950 A.D. Lost tribes of Israel (House of Israel) form the European nations & empires. Thus, fulfilling the Abrahamic covenant.1400-1960’s Before European Empires arrive in countries around the world (Africa, Asia, America). The native population is living like pre historic man. They live without houses, give human sacrifices to devils, they are paganistic savages, build huts of poop, give oral sex to animals and bath in urine. (The Lords people have been a true blessing to the world in bringing them out of that, whether they accept it or not)1770 Rothschild has protocols of the elders of Zion updated.5/1/ 1776 (the communist may day celebration) International Money Changers of the Rothschild (Red shield) family, also descendants of Esau (noted for being Red), form the illuminati.7/4/ 1776 United States of America formed and fulfilled the regathering of the nations (tribes) of Israel/Europe. The nation that is born in a day.1789 Antichrist Money changers take over France in 1789 with the orchestrated French revolution.1815 Rothschild money changers take over Britain's financial market & Britannia itself, after their agents deceive the brits about the outcome of Waterloo.1820 Antichrist agents of the Illuminati develop communism (Reds) & capitalism as tools to take over the world and form the new world order for their father lucifer.1820’s Antichrist communists develop pretrib rapture and the destruction of Gods laws doctrine to infiltrate churches and disarm & destroy Christians to make them apostate.1861-64 International money changers (New York bankers) gain control & great influence over the United States. International money changers gain control in southern banks, also push for corruption in Church and educational beliefs. They also set the blacks & carpet baggers loose on the South; raping the ladies & murdering the men. Their only help was the Klan (KKK).1865 International Financiers hire KGC to assassinate President Lincoln for issuing the green backs instead of borrowing funds from the New York money changers. They also wanted to stop Mr. Lincoln’s plan to send the blacks back to Africa and end any chance of africanizing & mongrolizing America.1865 Money Changers use corporate Capitalism to force out the free market system. It allows great wealth to be gathered and controlled by a few people. It uses rules, regulations, fees and the buddy system to keep the middle class at a disadvantage. The illuminati and their pawns flourish. 1870-80’s luciferian H. Blavatsky tells of a plan to create the next step in evolution by cross breading blacks & whites to form a brown slave race for the illuminati. The blacks in the south speak openly of killing all of the white male population and taking the white females for themselves. They commit many massacres against the whites, which caused the whites to form the KKK for protection.1880 Pike & Mazzini letters written about the three world wars to take over the world.1881 Garfield assassination; is caused by conflict with bankers (Money Changers) over gold/silver standard.1900’s N.W.O uses immigration to flood the USA with people who are receptive to communism/socialism, such as Mexicans, Jewish, Asians & Africans.1901 McKinley assassination; conflict with bankers (Money changers) over gold/silver standard.1905-09 Schofield funded by money changers to implement corruptions to deceive Christians to inaction, un-preparedness and allow the wicked, evil ones to flourish. Acceptance of pretrib rapture, lawlessness and initiated the loss of Israelite heritage through dispensationalism / millennialism. This is the seed of the apostasy. 1913 Money Changers create income tax and form the Federal Reserve Corporation.1914 Christian soldiers from Britain, Belgium, France & Germany refuse to fight and celebrate Christmas instead. Solders are threatened with executions by their governments if they do not resume the illuminati's war.1916 Christendom (Christ’s Kingdom) controls 90% of the world and sends missionaries into the other 10%; fulfilling the Great Commission. Missions will continue with the use of radio & TV.1917 New York money changers fund and support Bolshevik (communist) revolution (the Red horse of revelation) and force the U.S. government to stop fighting the Bolsheviks and allow Christian Russia to fall into communism (Reds).1917 Money changers use WW I to implement communism and break the independent European Christian kingdoms.1920’s Antichrist communists develop plan to use minority civil rights to gain control in Churches and government.1921 Antichrist Money Changers form the CFR. It is the hand of the illuminati in the United States.1932 FDR officially recognizes the communist Stalin regime. This gives the anti-Christ communists world acceptance and a home base to work from to rival & then destroy Christendom. This is the event that saved communism from collapsing. 1939 International Money Changers create & use WWII to expand communism to rival Christendom. As the Pike & Mazzini letters said.1946 Antichrists communist form the seven headed beast, the one world government, Also called the united nations. The beast also has formed the one world Church based on paganism & earth worship (earth day). The World council of churches (WCC previously the NCC). The main mission of the U.N. was decolonization. This was to destroy Christendom and let satan’s communists take over the former colonies. 1945-1950 Tares in the U.S. government gives supplies to communist leader Mao (Chinese communists), instead of shanghai shek (free Christian China).Late 40’s early 1950s: * Tares in the U.S. state department helps to set up communism in Korea. 1940’s *Communists in the U.S. create the belief in separation of Church and state; that will be used to destroy the hold of protestant Christianity over the nation and prepares the nation for the apostasy & the Nations down fall. *note the large influx of antichrists that migrate into the United States during the 1940’s.1948 The antichrists and the beast forms a false prophetic re-gathering they call modern Israel. (The false Prophet/ the little horn) Used to deceive Christians & pull Europeans away from British Israeli-ism type beliefs. This has been in the works since the late 1890’s. One of the first suggested locations was Tunisia, but it was not acceptable for the supposed re-gathering deception.1948-1968 All European empires (Christendom) fall to communists and the illuminati communist gain major political, pastoral, corporate and governmental control of the United States (now Soviet America). The only major resistance was the Christian Klan.1940’s (late) International financiers/ Money changers force Mao to step aside while they arrange the revolution the way they want done. 1950 FBI discovers the communist goals for the destruction of America. Few listen.1950’s Communists in the government force integration in the south to forward the luciferian breeding plan and the extermination of the white people.1950’s The Korean war is used to distract Americans away from the fact, that the communists had infiltrated the U.S. government, main stream churches, Hollywood, and corporations in the U.S. 1950-1960’s U.S. & U.N supports communist over the free katanga-eeze Christians in Congo and force out Belgium. Thus the white & also black Christians were exterminated. 1960’s Civil rights laws are used to advance black communists and uplift blacks as role models To change the blacks from acting and dressing like Christian whites in public and to get whites to Act like the heathen blacks. This advances paganism and the illuminati breading program that was spoke of by luciferian Helen Blavatsky. Tattooing, scaring, branding, body piercings, sexual body piercings, body mutilations, fornications, adultery and drug use , all become socially acceptable. All are natural behaviour from the heathenistic homelands of the minority’s. (no offence is intended) (Bible verses says don’t allow the heathen among you or your people will pick up their ways). The Americans did let them in and these perversions destroy the traditional family by the 1990,s. This can also be called the africanization or paganization of America. This is the point where the virgin daughter of Zion turns into the whore of mystery Babylon.1967 USS liberty incident was intended to be used to start the third world war. The false prophet modern Israel attacks one of our ships, with intent to sink it and blame it on Egypt.1967 Esau breaks the yoke of Jacob (True Christianity). Communism & paganism flourishes and Christianity is bound (yoked).Done mostly by the distortion of the constitution and the false claim of separation of Church and state. Christendom has fallen and breaking Gods laws, becomes associated with freedom. The only freedom left is the freedom to sin. The apostasy has begun & Christendom has ended. The devil is loosed for a short period of time, people are given over to a reprobate mind and a strong delusion. God’s people are lost for a lack of knowledge. 1967 Abomination of desolation: Antichrists (Jews that say they are Jews, but are not) claim that collectively, they are the messiah; and take control of Jerusalem. (The devil is loosened for a short time.)*note the wickedness that has filled our country since the 1960’s*1967 End of the 1,000 years reign of Christ’s Kingdom. Most all of the Christian nations of Christendom had now fallen into the hands of the communist anti Christs and only a remnant of Christendom remained. Mainly, the U.S. & Britain who are also the two witnesses of Revelation. 1968 Illuminist Rockefeller makes plan to de-industrialize the United States and move the nation into 3rd world status and to eventually discard it (U.S.) for their ideal nation, after they build it (China).1960s & 70’s Vietnam War used to distract Americans away from the fact that communists were taking over the U.S. government, churches and corporations in America.1968+ The virgin daughter of Zion/Babylon turning into the whore/mystery Babylon1970’s Church moves into full bloom of the apostasy, accepting all forms of sin and lawlessness (Iniquity) and they also refuse to judge a righteous judgement or to rebuke sin.*Today most have confused the apostasy of the Church, with the rapture and are left disarmed and totally unprepared for tribulation*.1971 Free china (Taiwan) kicked out of UN as official government of china and communist China put in. This completes one more of the communist goals discovered by the FBI in The 1950’s.1970’s Porn legalized & loss of sexual morality increases astronomically1970’s-present Intensive Sex Ed implemented, through schools, movies, music, & T.V1970’s-present Homosexual abominations are forced onto the children & society and are accepted as an alternate life style. Propaganda increases greatly to get the society to accept homosexual abominations. 1970’s Ties with communist china open up trade and a way to drain wealth & technology from the U.S.. China (the red dragon) is the ideal nation of the luciferians.1980’s U.S. & U.N aid in and support communist (ANC) takeover of South Africa. White Christians are murdered and raped by the black communists. Similar to what happened in the South during the reconstruction period, before the KKK formed to stop it. 1989 Communist soviet union fakes collapse (& becomes the head that was wounded as If to death) to get the U.S.A to disarm the military and allow the corporations to drain wealth and technology from the nation. (International financier; Rockefeller’s plan to de industrialize the U.S. picks up steam, also called the soviet’s plan to destroy the U.S. without firing a shot.)1990’s The once virgin of Babylon shows herself to be the whore or mystery Babylon by rapidly Selling out her own people by transferring wealth, industry and technology from the U.S.A. to china (The dragon). Who can stand against her? (N.W.O. goal to reduce U.S. to a third world country.)1990-2000s Quotas & Hate crimes laws complete the promise of the communists to the minorities to give them Preferential treatment over the white people.(documented in the 1930’s communist pamphlet “The Negro in Soviet America”) 2011 Homosexuality & bestiality legalized in U.S. military!!2003-2015+ The U.S. places anti Christians in charge of Iraq and intentional causes a genocide of Christians. Many Christians flee to the kurd region and mainly to Syria for safety. The U.S. & modern Israel then support the Syrian terrorists, who begin horribly massacring Christians in Syria and into the northern regions of Iraq. Christians are crucified, beheaded, cannibalized, butchered and hung in slaughter houses, blood drained and used as a prize for muslims. The blood of the saints is on the hands of the whore of Babylon. The Christian population of Iraq went from 1.5 million to 200,000! The Christian population of Syria went from 1.3 million to 700,000! And the apostate western Church remained silent! 2015 The whore of Babylon forces homosexual and transsexual perversions onto the people. Christians are forced to serve them and share public bath rooms and showers with them. Women & girls by law are now forced to shower with men who say they are girls. Most Probable Tribulation sequence1.End of Christendom and the last Christian hold out; the United States. Christians persecuted and looked down upon, somewhat due to the apostate church and largely due to all the anti-Christs. True Christians (the Remnant) have nowhere in the world to go.2.Mystery Babylon(United States) is destroyed in an hour by the communists (S.C.O.)3.Beast (United Nations) & False Profit (believed to be modern Israel) removed from power and thrown into the lake of fire.4.Satan (the dragon), Gog/Magog (S.C.O.) are gathered to battle the Camp of the Saints and the Beloved City (The remnant in the new Promised Land; USA).5.Jesus sends his Angels to gather his remnant to him. This is the rapture! The last trump!6.Gog & Magog is destroyed and satan is cast into the lake of fire forever.7.Judgement day: the Great White Throne of JudgementJesus Christ our messiah and the Feasts of Israel The Feasts of Israel are tied to significant prophetic events of our Messiah Jesus Christ. Listed below are events on the Feasts of Israel and the relationship of the Old Testament and the New Testament.1. The Passover- The 14th day of Abib. Old Testament: For remembrance for freedom from Egyptian bondage and to remind Israel that if they do what God tells them to he will save them. On this day in particular by the blood of the sacrificed Lamb being placed on the door posts of the Hebrews for salvation from the destroyer. The Destroyer Passed over and did not kill their first born. New Testament: Jesus was crucified on the cross for the sacrifice for our sin, so that we can have freedom from the bondage of sin. The Lamb of God gave his life blood to save us from sin and death, if we will do what he has told us to. Repent, be baptized, keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. 2. The Feast of Unleavened Bread: 15th day of Abib.Old Testament: Commemorates the hardships of the people of Israel, during their flight to escape the bondage of Egypt.New Testament: The body of Jesus Christ is placed into the tomb.3. The Feast of First Fruits: 16th day of Abib.Old Testament: This day is to dedicate the First Fruits of the Barley harvest to God Almighty.New Testament: Jesus Christ is resurrected on this day. Jesus is the first of the first fruits showing us the way to resurrection. 4. The Feast of Pentecost: On the day after the 7th Sabbath Old Testament: 3,000 are slain for turning away from God, after Mosses returns from mountains with the Commandments of God. Dedicated to the first fruits of the wheat harvest. New Testament: 3,000 are saved when the Holy Spirit comes upon them, during St. Peters sermon of the Pentecost. They repent, and are Baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. They are led to God, through Jesus Christ.Today: This may be the day major events in tribulation begin, such as the fall of Babylon. ***Tribulation falls between these two feasts****5. The Feast of Trumpets :Old Testament: A day to proclaim Liberty and ushers in the Sabbatical month. New Testament: This is the day of the rapture. (This is at the end of tribulation; the 7th trump.) A day to proclaim Liberty. The day of the last trump when the mystery of God is revealed. The day the dead in Christ rise and Jesus sends his angels to gather us (his remnant) up, just before he sends down fire to destroy the unrepentant. 6. The Day of Atonement: 10th day of the 7th month. Old Testament: This is the day for the atonement of sins. This is done by giving sacrifices at the Temple. New Testament: This is the day Jesus will intercede for us to the Father on judgement day, because Jesus has atoned for our sin. Jesus is our perfect sacrifice for our sin. 7. The Feast of Tabernacles:Old Testament: This is done to remember God’s protection and shelter, during the Hebrews years of wandering in the wilderness and to rejoice for the completion of harvest. New Testament: Jesus brings the Kingdom of Heaven. Thus, giving us protection and shelter. This completes the harvest for God’s Kingdom. The Jewish use two different calendars one for the sacred feasts and one for the civil year. The names of these months are unclear due to the Babylonian corruptions. Only the names of four Hebrew months are found in the old Testament.The sacred year begins with the spring equinox and follows with these months: 1st month- March/ April 6th Month- August/ September 2nd month- April/ May 7th Month- September/ October3rd month- May/ June 8th Month- October/ November4th Month- June/ July 9th Month- November/ December5th Month- July/ August 10th Month- December/ January 11th Month- January/ February 12th Month- February/ March